I think talking about apples current hardware/software in relation to the Newton and its functions especially what said hardware/software needs to be a Newton replacement does pertain to the Newton. Although discussing the future of the Newton and what the community feels a Newton replacment needs is not the main point of the list it is a good "space filler" while the talk of current newt affairs is slow (although I don't know what talk could be more necessary with 2010 looming and no solid fix in sight). If you were talking about the thread I started, it was originally on the iPod touch really with inclusion of the iphone only because the devices are rather similar. Most talk so far on that thread has related to fuctions/features the iPod touch/iphone lack compared to the Newton and how we can replicate those features/functions (and in a few cases talk of features that are a little different but comparable).
Joe Reilly
The NewtonTalk Mailing List - http://www.newtontalk.net/
The Official Newton FAQ - http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/
The Newton Glossary - http://www.splorp.com/newton/glossary/
WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/
Received on Sun Jan 18 21:24:47 2009
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