Wow, the negativity! I have been holding off announcing anything until I was certain of what was happening.
Here is the current status:
There has been 0 support for the event, and some people, I won't mention specifics, pulled out. Because of this, I can't fly guest speakers here for starters. Secondly, the rental for the conference center is pricey and the registration fees in no way covers it.
What I propose is that if you all still want to come, I will have no problem entertaining all of you. I do have access 24/7 to a very nice conference facility at my complex, it is just a bit smaller than one at a hotel. We could still have presentations, that is not a problem, and lots of learning would take place.
On another note, there is lots to do in Vancouver, and I also don't mind playing host to everyone. With that, other activities could be planned for everyone, to make the trip that much more enjoyable. I have some ideas of how this conference will play out, and I very much believe we can all walk away learning (1) a whole lot about the Newton that we did not know before (2) a lot about more efficient computing under OS X in our daily lives and at work through an exchange of ideas that is sort of just bound to happen.
So please respond with your comments and address any other issues to me offlist. For anyone not wishing to attend who has paid, you will be refunded in full. At any rate, I think the conference could be very successful, and we could all have a lot of fun together.
All the best,
----- Original Message ----
From: David Lawrence <newtonpoetry@gmail.com>
To: newtontalk@newtontalk.net
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 3:04:06 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] WWNC 2009 on or off? - [was New iPhones/iPhone OS 3.0]
Andy Hill wrote:
> Although I'm not involved in this myself I do think it is very important
> that the question raised by Dennis and others receives a proper
> response.
Luckily I didn't pay my registration fee. I was waiting to hear back on
some details (like where the hotel was going to be), but after not hearing
anything back, I held off. Now I'm glad I did.
It's a shame. I was really looking forward to (a) seeing the beautiful city
of Vancouver and (b) meeting all the Newton folks I read/talk to from the
NewtonTalk list. It was going to be my summer vacation: a shotgun road trip
from Michigan, across Canada, to Vancouver. Now I'll have to make other
All I ask is that our questions get answered, and not ignored. Pretty
darned disrespectful.
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