On 13-Jun-09, at 10:56 AM, Gary Moody wrote:
> We prefer the term "Native Americans". "Indians" was a term foisted
> on the indigenous people of the Americas by Columbus when he thought
> he had actually landed in India, as he was looking for a new spice
> trade route.
> Sacagawea, a member of the Shoshone tribe, served as a guide and
> interpreter during the Lewis and Clark expedition, taking the
> explorers to the places of her childhood, as these areas were well
> known to the Native Americans. So, the term "pioneer" is also a
> stretch.
> Regards,
Gee, wasn't the term "Native Americans" usurped by a gang in New York
who were objecting to immigration, specifically Catholics from Ireland
and other places?
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Received on Sat Jun 13 16:41:38 2009
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