Laptops are the evolution of desktops and both are basicly computers but there are important differences so I wouldn't use the terms interchangeably. I had a casio device (nx-6000) that lacked assist-type features and wasn't expandable or very customizable (it did have a cool 3 color display though), it was an electronic organizer not a personal digital assistant. If you compared two newts they would be very different devices based on their owners. They are personal devices, personal assistants customized to their user, the same can't be said about the nx-6000 and many other electronic organizers which made you conform more to their mold. The point I was trying to make is that some but not all early devices could be called PDA's and others were just electronic organizers (although I do agree pda's evolved from electronic organizers) but there is important differences just like airplanes are evolved from gliders but you don't interchange the terms because, for as may traits as they share, there are important
differences. The Newton just seems to be the device where the features really lined up and a PDA was born for me (and many others). But I guess really nailing down what is a PDA (and where it started) will be different to each of us just like how we use our devices will be different. But its been fun to talk about and hear every ones point of view.
Joe Reilly
-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Vetter <physicalconstants@yahoo.ca>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 23:39:11
To: <newtontalk@newtontalk.net>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] [OT] New iPhones/iPhone OS 3.0
The Newton is just an evolution of prior, antiquated PDAs..., just like the MacBook Pro is a modern iteration of prior, antiquated laptops.
That's how I see it: evolution.
----- Original Message ----
From: Jon Glass <jonglass@usa.net>
To: newtontalk@newtontalk.net
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 11:27:57 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] [OT] New iPhones/iPhone OS 3.0
On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Ryan Vetter<physicalconstants@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> electronic organizer = PDA
> Just that the ones in question were primitive PDAs.
I think that Sculley would take issue with that. He coined the term to
allude to a living personal assistent. And to the Newton as an
electronic/digital personal assistant. Actually, to Sculley, the
Newton MessagePad was a_dumbed down_ version of a PDA. The problem is
that people because to use this term to refer to simple electronic
organizer, but it was the Palm Pilot, specifically, that led to the
"dumbing down" of the term, to refer to an electronic organizer. For
me, however, when all this was happening, I was ust simply ignoring
all those other things, as i had my Newton, and no desire to
change--nothing could touch the Newton's intelligence, and hence, no
incentive for me to change...
-- -Jon Glass Krakow, Poland <jonglass@usa.net> "I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus ==================================================================== The NewtonTalk Mailing List - http://www.newtontalk.net/ The Official Newton FAQ - http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/ The Newton Glossary - http://www.splorp.com/newton/glossary/ WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/ ==================================================================== __________________________________________________________________ Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! http://www.flickr.com/gift/ ==================================================================== The NewtonTalk Mailing List - http://www.newtontalk.net/ The Official Newton FAQ - http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/ The Newton Glossary - http://www.splorp.com/newton/glossary/ WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/ ==================================================================== ==================================================================== The NewtonTalk Mailing List - http://www.newtontalk.net/ The Official Newton FAQ - http://www.splorp.com/newton/faq/ The Newton Glossary - http://www.splorp.com/newton/glossary/ WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/ ====================================================================Received on Mon Jun 15 04:24:46 2009
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