I think we are not that conservative here... I thought the post was funny.
----- Original Message ----
From: Lord Groundhog <LordGroundhog@gmail.com>
To: "newtontalk@newtontalk.net" <newtontalk@newtontalk.net>
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 2:35:54 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] OT iPhone => (Formerly: newtontalk Digest V9 #256)
~~~ On 2009/06/15 19:46, Dennis B. Swaney at romad@aol.com wrote ~~~
> The iPhone is the 21st Century Newton, so
Errr, no. the iPhone is an anaemic, sickly runt-of-the-litter compared to
the Newton. It's a throwback (in both senses, IMHO) -- a step backwards in
a march of evolution, as if the makers of the Ferrari decided that their
next car was going to be the 1965 Corvair. It's "all mouth and no
trousers". Full marks for connectivity flashy UI, it's true, but the real
focus for some of us is not how slick is the interface but how productive
are the apps and method of working in them.
I'm pretty sure Matt *has* a life -- he has a Newton! But since the
original thread was clearly marked [OT], I agree that more temperate
language about iPhone users was in order. (As you can see, I have fewer
reservations about the iPhone itself.)
BTW, am I the only one who considers it ironic that a post about an OT
thread ended up with the anonymous subject "Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V9
#256"? Does that qualify as "post-ironic"?
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
-- what Arthur C. Clarke meant
(With thanks to Chod Lang)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Mon Jun 15 20:46:03 2009
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