I don't get the digest version so I'm not sure exactly how that works but I do know that the post was marked as OT even though it wasn't always OT. In fact it was a very long and interesting thread that covered a few topics as I believe Steve already stated (most of which just barely grazed the iphone) . Had we split off all the different topics as they occurred its likely the conversation wouldn't have gone on so long and evolved through so many related topics (which also happened to be mostly related to the newt). I personally enjoyed all the views brought to the table and topics covered and had Matt read a few of the posts BEFORE having gotten upset he might have enjoying the thread too despite its subject's namesake (which he seems to have a serious issue with for some reason). On another front, how many times has the iphone/iPod touch been discussed in depth on this list in a way that didn't relate to the Newton? I can remember a few one-off OT iphone posts but mostly they always relate to the newt, li
ke the thread discussing the iphone stylus that are available now or the thread I personally started in January to discuss our favorite features of the Newton that were missing from the iphone/itouch. That thread not only gave me an idea of what 3rd party software that's already been released to check out (some of which are ports form newt apps) but also the features that aren't in current software to keep an eye out for in new apps so as to add Newton abilities to the iphone. It also showed me how others use their newtons and introduced me to new things on the newt (and things I had forgotten about as I haven't carried my newt full time in awhile). Oh, it also let me share a few apps I found that are newt-like with other fans of the green that may be carrying iphones and itouches today but still long for modern newts.
Its a simple fact that the iphone is a part of the world now and being an apple product it's going to get discussed here more then other manufacturers devices as a successor to the Newton. As long as its related to the Newton and its abilities I think it should be discussed here (in depth) just like palms, nokia n devices, blackberries, etc that also relate to the Newton and could be worth successors. People should more tactfully post their concerns when they think things have gone too far off topic (which again they really hadn't with the concerned thread if the time had been taken to read a few posts).
Joe Reilly
-----Original Message-----
From: James Wages <james@kiramek.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 06:31:07
To: <newtontalk@newtontalk.net>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V9 #256
* On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Matt. K. <mkow1234@aol.com> wrote:
> It would be nice if you douchey iPhone users
> would use the appropriate venue
> for discussing your product.
* iPhone users Phil Muller <wndrstrck@gmail.com> & "Dennis B. Swaney"
<romad@aol.com> then fired back at Matt as follows:
> Wow, aren't you just the epitome of maturity.
> The iPhone is the 21st Century Newton
I, like Matt, thought all these iPhone posts were a bit off-topic as there
currently is no way to use a pen (a finger is not a stylus nor a 100%
substitute for one) on the iPhone or use Newton software directly (natively)
on the iPhone. Hence, even though the iPhone is technically better in many
respects than the Newton, it is certainly NOT a Newton and therefore, unless
this list is renamed to include "iPhone" I personally side with Matt in
feeling that this list should not be "dominated" by iPhone chit chat. But
like all topics on this list, the iPhone chit chat will die down over time,
so I am not really that bent out of shape about it. I get bent out of shape
over infighting among our list members.
Nevertheless, I do wish to stand in defense of the basic premise of Matt's
post, which is not evil in and of itself. However, it can be said that all
3 parties involved could have exercised greater restraint in their recently
Matt, I have two suggestions for you:
1) " douchey " is not in my dictionary and clearly you fanned the flames by
your use of that word. The first thing that comes to mind when pondering
that adjective are female hygienic products, which clearly have no place on
this list. Had you used greater patience in composing your message and
avoided that one word, more people might have chimed in to agree with you
and certainly fewer flames would have resulted -- but of course I do not say
this in defense of the flames.
2) I too get the Digest. Even though I use Entourage and can filter
individual emails into their own folder, I prefer to have one beefy email
every day, like you Matt. Long live the Digest! HOWEVER!! With the
exception of this email (in order to keep the thread name intact), I always
take the time to create a proper Subject line when replying to my NewtonTalk
Digests. Otherwise, you get "[NTLK] newtontalk Digest V9 #256" which is not
helpful for those of us reading the Digest to "digest" what is inside when
we briefly review the topic list at the top. Personally, I quickly scan the
Digest topics each morning and if I don't see a topic that interests me, I
just trash the entire digest. I couldn't do that today because some topics
said "[NTLK] newtontalk Digest V9 #256"! Indeed, my time taken in scrolling
down the digest to see what the topic was really about inspired me to make
this post today.
James Wages
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Received on Mon Jun 15 21:42:45 2009
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