I have been promising for sometime to write a quick how to on how I make
maps for GPSMap Lite using Google maps and Google Earth. Well I have finally
done it. You will find the article on my blog: http://santamatt.blogspot.com
And before you ask, yes you may copy it, repost it, make ebooks out of it
whatever you want. I'd like it if you left my name on it but when it really
comes down to it I did it for Newton users so even if you chop off my name
just so people can read it and use it.
Matt (Ducky) Howe
Owner of a MP2000U and an Emate
SantaMatt@Gmail.com (Nokia N770)
matthowe@comcast.net (Desktop)
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Received on Sat Jun 20 14:09:23 2009
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