RE: When inserting a flash memory card, my MP2x00 says that the battery in the card needs to be replaced.
So, as a conclusion to this, there may be a bug in the software after all. Actually, from the literature, the software "bug" in regards to the storage card's dead battery message that sometimes shows did not really make a hard distinction between different types of memory cards.
A dead battery message will show on the Newton, for instance, when it thinks the battery in your storage card is dead. When this happens, your storage card is rendered useless. Having used a storage card with the battery removed, the error message displayed appropriately. However, not all storage cards have batteries. For instance, the earlier Newton branded cards are SRAM cards, and have batteries, whereas Linear Flash cards (pretty much the norm for Newtons now) do not have batteries. When the dead battery message shows with a Linear Flash card installed, the software is thus improperly thinking that the card has a dead battery. Usually you can x out of the error message and carry on, but it is annoying and may cause some issues.
The fix is to use Paul's latest Newton OS 2.1 update, available on unna.org, which also fixes error messages when trying to perform a find.
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Received on Sun Mar 8 17:21:48 2009
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