[NTLK] CNET UK: Newton vs iPhone

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Sat Nov 28 03:12:38 EST 2009

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Ryan Vetter
<physicalconstants at yahoo.ca> wrote:
> The iPhone screen is nice.
> I did also find that article to be entertaining.  Sure, the Newton can approach the functionality of the iPhone for communications, but it becomes unwieldly.  All those cards sticking out...
The thing is, there was no iPhone in the 90s. When I needed it, the
Newton came on stage. At the time, laptops were huge and unwieldy, and
expensive as all get out--I couldn't afford one. I found a $400 MP120
on AOL, from a fellow forum member, and for the next 2+ years, it
became my on-the-road computer. It was my contact database as I
traveled to meetings, allowed email (I was receiving over 20 emails a
day on AOL, and my wife an equal amount. I used the Newton, together
with my StyleWriterII to write and print letters and envelopes (using
just the built-in Notepad). I was able to send and receive faxes, and
I still say that the best fax machine I ever used was my Newton. I did
all this stuff in the middle-late 90s, when there was nothing else out
there that could do this.

I think that the point of this article, other than being just a fun
exercise, is to simply remind people that there would be no iPhone
without the Newton. I'll be honest. Today, between my MSI WindMac and
Palm, I no longer need my Newton. If the iPhone could allow me to
write and print letters, maybe it could replace the Newton and my
computer, but I don't know.... If it could, it would only be walking
the path that the Newton beat in the jungle. ;-) But honestly, my
needs have grown, and the hardware has gone in different directions. I
really doubt that I could do today what I did back then, travel with
just a handheld for months on end.

I may try though. Next year, I will be traveling the States for 6
months.... It may be worth just seeing what I could do. Does anybody
think an iPod Touch could do it? I _really_ need to print, fax not so
much any more, but printing is essential.

Oh, and I need to keep track of my expenses and income for tax
purposes. Is there even anything like that on the iPhone? I hear about
tons of silly apps, but no expense software.

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

"I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus

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