I used static IP address of the same subnet on the MBP and the MP2100.
The ethernet adapter of the
MBP supports Auto-MDIX which is a perquisite for interconnecting two
network devices of the same class,
other than using a cross over ethernet cable that is. The NCX only
connected once just in time to let me
install the "Bite my shiny metal ass" audio package with Bender's
voice. Then I tried to take a screenshot
from the NCX option and that was it... I could not make it happen
again. However I learned a valuable lesson
by installing Newton Packages via the built in Apache web server that
Leopard has and which I will share
with anyone caring to know.
You can copy Newton package files to your Sites directory on your home
folder which are then accessible
through a web browser on Newton, say Courier which is the one I used,
and download them to your Newton.
There is a small catch however, you need to let Apache know the mime
type of the Newton Packages or else
once downloaded they will end up in the Inoutbox where there will be
of no use. So you need to edit the file
mime.types which resides on /etc/apache2 directory and add the
following mime type:
application/x-newton-compatible-pkg pkg
This way Newton knows how to use the file and gets installed as soon
as it is downloaded.
Let me know if you need anything else...
Oh! and one more thing... On the email I sent starting this thread I
wrote about the Newton not connecting to
our Cisco 2948G @work. I had not tried half-duplex which I eventually
did. The switch disabled the port for
flapping (turning on and off the interface) and when I increased the
(lets say) tolerance to flapping the interface
went up and down two seconds later. I guess it's not going to be easy
to make them work together...
Best regards,
Μητριτσάκης Βαλέριο Πάρις
IT Manager - C.A.C. Papantoniou Trading LTD
Ηλεκτρονικός Μηχανικός Τ.Ε.
MSc Network Systems
MCP ID: 5745185
Mitritsakis Valerio Paris
IT Manager - C.A.C. Papantoniou Trading LTD
Electronic Engineer
MSc Network Systems
MCP ID: 5745185
On Sep 1, 2009, at 7:40 PM, Bob Carls Dudney wrote:
> Wish I could help with your questions. (I just know my NetGear
> router works.)
> I'd much appreciate knowing your setup/settings allowing direct
> connection to Mac without going through LAN. Everything I've read
> says that's not possible with Ethernet and I couldn't get it to work.
> (I presume you were able to transfer stuff during the one successful
> NCX connection.)
> Thanks in advance,
> B C D
> On 1/9/09, Valerio Paris Mitritsakis wrote:
> |
>> 99% on a direct connection to my MBP.
>> once to NCX on my MBP via direct connection of the MP2100 to the MBP
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