Woody, I like that idea and bought Newtscape several months ago just for
it's touted book making capabilities. What I was hoping for, for right now,
was a way to make a "book pre-processing factory" where I could get all of
my text together, all of my images together, and spit them out with minimal
formatting. My first desire is to compile some children's books for the
eMate, so I'm talking about large fonts, multiple pictures, a small total
pkg size, but a quantity of ~ 20 books.
Even if I go the Newtscape route, I still want to get the books into RTF or
HTML format for sending without doing any tweaking on the Newton side.
-----Original Message-----
From: newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net
[mailto:newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net] On Behalf Of Woody Smith
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 1:24 PM
To: newtontalk@newtontalk.net
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Streamlining Book Making
I have been following this conversation, and like you and Dan have
wished for such a capability.
Another concern that I had was the font size of many of the books that
were already in the libraries for 1x0 Newtons, often too small for me
to read comfortably.
After several years of extracting the text of these books and making
them more comfortable for me to read with Newton Press I discovered
Newtscape's abilities.
I installed HTMList <http://saweyer.freehostia.com/newton/htmlist.htm>
and use it to make an HTML Works document of the book. If the book is
larger than 500 pages you may exceed heap and freeze but give it time
as it can take many minutes to do such a conversion. Opening in
NewtsCape will also take a lot of time.
Between these steps I reboot to free up anyextra heap.
Newtscape will open this as a Newton Book with whatever font, size and
page size you have preselected for the Newton it is installed on.
Beam the HTML Works document to your eMate and it will open formated
for the eMate.
Save as a package and you will have a newton book.
On Sep 10, 2009, at 9:29 PM, SteveCraft wrote:
> Following this link:
> http://www.newtontalk.net/archive/mar2000-apr2000/0379.html
> I started to make some kids eBooks to fit on an eMate. Then I
> started to
> make a couple for my 2100. Now I'd really really like to make a
> couple that
> will fit and rotate as needed. Am I wasting my time thinking I can
> do such a
> thing?
> Thanks.
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Received on Fri Sep 11 14:47:03 2009
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