You're right there. The iPhone certainly set off a fashion trend emulated by
all the Smartphone manufacturers. My admin manager got our firm onto a new
telco the other day and part of the deal was new smartphones for all. Vodafone
offered us Nokia E71's. One look at them and I thought they look crisp, shiny
and... quite slippery. A few weeks later and all but one in the office have hit
the floor at least once. Thank God for carpet.
It's an impression that, rightly or wrongly, I don't get when I handle an
iPhone: it's all about the looks. Which is great if you're an image-conscious
consumer, not so great if you're the type of cheapsk^H^H^H^H budget-minded
consumer who tends to wring everything they can out of their toys.
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Received on Sat Sep 12 01:17:24 2009
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