I'd LOVE to beat out anyone who's trying to buy this. Alas, I cannot. I'm in the market for a laptop, and need to save the money.
When I posted the first message this morning, it was around $600. Imagine my surprise when I checked it just now and say it had soared over $1,200. For a moment this morning, I was considering a loan from the fiancee.
I just came across the Newton community recently, after lusting after one in high school and never being able to afford one. I just got a MP 2000 for $35 two weeks ago, and was amazed that I could find one in such good condition for such a low price. I just happened to stumble upon the eBay listing on accident this morning while looking for any good accessories. If anyone on the list is the winning bidder, let us know! As the original discoverer, I demand high-quality pics and a detailed rundown of any attempts to get it working. :)
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Received on Mon Sep 14 16:38:44 2009
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