Right now I'm being a bit goofy with it. As I've aged, my memory isn't what
it used to be. I am working on a repository of information on the Wheel of
Time fantasy books by Robert Jordan. So far the story is over 10,000 pages
long and has dozens of main characters. Keeping track of it all is murder.
There are web sites about the books and some events still haven't been
figured out by the readers years after the books were published. While I'm
not normally a puzzle or mystery fan, I thought maybe Newtcard could hold
thedata for me so I can refer to it as new books come out.
Yeah, it's not a real productive use of time but since I was laid off from
the IT industry a few years ago it's been hard to stay active in IT. This
lets me keep my brain a bit more active than it would be otherwise.
I did notice that running a -10061 repair caused some of my errors to
discontinue. I also notice what seems to be a conflict between Newtcard and
Dashboard by Fivespeed. For now I'm avoiding actions that trigger the
conflict. (iris and barn door openings and closings).
L.W. Brown wrote: Keep us filled in on your progress - esp. if you make any
interesting stax! On 18. Sep., 2009, at 22:02 PM, SteveCraft wrote: After
purchasing it many months ago, I am finally warming up to finally doing
something with it. Let's talk. -----Original Message----- I don't know if
anyone still uses NewtCard or NSBasic but I thought I would... use it more.
If you use it and could offer assistance, I can be emailed...
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Received on Fri Sep 18 23:16:24 2009
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