[NTLK] (OT) re: Courier

Dennis B. Swaney romad at aol.com
Wed Apr 7 09:45:02 EDT 2010

On 06/04/10 21:59PDT, Daniel Jagendorf wrote:

> Haven't had a problem with wi-fi, haven't met anyone else who has.

I did have a "WiFi" problem with my iPadd, however it was not WiFi 
itself but getting an Internet connection at home. Even though my Macs & 
iPhone could connect via my WiFi network, the iPadd couldn't. It turned 
out to be a setting my ISP had used to fix a security problem I thought 
I had last year. After removing that setting, the iPadd can now connect 
to the Internet.

Dennis B. Swaney

Newton MP 2100
iPhone 3GS

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