[NTLK] New [Old] Newton Owner

Woody Smith woodysmith at comcast.net
Wed Apr 7 10:55:22 EDT 2010


Connecting and installing software and system patches will be your  
first challenge.
Serial if you plan to use keyboard or serial printer will require;  
serial dongle, SER-001 or dongle killer.
With a serial port get Keyspan USB to serial adapter as appropriate  
for your computer and go from there.

Skip serial and go to ethernet (best with Mac).  You will need to get  
drivers installed via linear flash card either through requesting a  
loaner card or sending yours to someone to have drivers installed.   
Install NCX on your mac and install or backup as needed.
ethernet will also allow email (Mail V) and some browsing.  Print by  
emailing to self or use LPR driver to print to CUPS printer.


On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:36 AM, Jonathan Schalliol wrote:

> Greetings community!  I thought I'd send a brief introduction.
> In 1995 I was the Mac department manager at the Indianapolis CompUSA  
> where I sold Newtons and bought a 120 with 2.0 while I was in high  
> school.  I had a Motorola flip phone connected via a "Motorola Power  
> 14.4" PCMCIA card, and I had a StyleWriter II in my trunk powered by  
> a DC/AC inverter connected by a long serial cable to the driver's  
> seat.  I could get emails and faxes and print them on the way to my  
> destination.  This was super safe to use, but cool nonetheless.   
> From 1997-2001 I was Apple's Campus Rep for the Indiana University  
> Bloomington Campus and peddled eBooks and other such equipment.   
> While I haven't been able to find it online, we did have QuickTime  
> on an eMate.  I visited the NewtonSource store in SF when visiting  
> the area in 1997.  I ultimately eBayed my 120 with 2.0, and just  
> bought a 2100 on eBay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180489709839&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT 
> ).  I look forward to getting this unit updated to complete  
> functionality!
> Best,
> Jon

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