[NTLK] OT: has anyone ever heard of this company?

Forrest Buffenmyer anasazi4st at me.com
Sun Apr 25 14:52:11 EDT 2010

Today I received an email from a company called--as far as I can tell--Amasoft. A Google search comes up with no such name. The email address it came from is adobepromo at plotswebshop.com. There is also no mention of that domain name anywhere that I could find.

The email I received took me to this website: http://www.plotswebshop.com/ .

My experience has been that emails and/or websites with poorly written or translated English can be big trouble...offering unbelievable prices which really are just that. This one would seem to qualify.

Here's one: Creative Suite 4 Design Premium--list price: $1795...my price: just $144.95. (Yours too...presumably.)

How about this one: ColdFusion Enterprise 9--list price: $7499...my price: just $249.95.

There's many more offers like these on the site.

For me, this raises more red flags than a May Day parade through Kruschev's Moscow. And, of course, I have many questions...two of those being: what exactly do you get for your money? Is it really unopened unregistered software? And--most importantly--does Adobe know about this? Will you be visited by the DRM Police?

That is, if you actually get anything back at all.

There was a company here in Scottsdale, AZ that offered software on CD for basically the shipping cost...but it featured discontinued products, most of which were educational in nature. 

Has anyone any experience with them...or heard anything? Did anyone else receive a similar email?


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