[NTLK] Coming Back to the Newton OS and 2010 Dates Solutions!

Gary Zambrano gazam at att.net
Mon Apr 26 20:12:57 EDT 2010

Hello Fellow Newton Users!

I'm back! Well, its not like you know who I am, but I'm back to using  
the Newton OS platform that is!

My story as condensed as possible:

Was a Newton User in the late 90's, early 00's. I initially bought a  
110, then a 120, then a 130 whose more advanced Newton OS I liked more  
and bought an MP2K. I owned an eMate briefly as well. I used a Newton  
because I wanted something portable to assist me in getting organized  
and so on. I had not used a Palm at the time but way back in the early  
90's did own and use one of those digital organizers by Casio. Since  
way back in college I knew I needed something of a digital assistant.  
Anyway, my needs and workflow changed and sometime in 2002, I sold the  
MP2K and eMate. Sold the eMate first thinking it was too big and I  
already had an MP2k that was enough for me. I also had a nice little  
collection of Newton apps on a CDR that I collected way back. Some  
packages are probably lost for good, who knows. But I desperately need  
one or two packages, more on that later...

Skip to 2009, I had to get many personal and professional projects and  
tasks that needed organization. I discovered GTD - Getting Things  
Done. I bought Palms, I am a Palm OS Centro user still, I love the  
Palm OS now. BUT I missed the Newton and had the feeling I could  
implement GTD on the Newton OS as an excuse to use the Newton again! I  
realized that I could set one up for focused Getting Things Done  
implementation and project management at home and office.

I won a NASA owned Newton MP2k! Great price but in '09 found it to be  
really, really retro. I auctioned it off again. Stuck with Palm, but I  
missed the darn Newton!

I am also a former iPhone user. In short, I found the iPhone just too  
much. Too gadget-y, too much eye candy and incredibly distracting.  
There's no way to just focus on tasks, projects with that device, if  
you can, I commend you! I can't! I dislike the iPhone very much, but I  
do like the iPad, still, I found the iPad in my test usage at an Apple  
Store, to be potentially distracting. My '07 iMac is great but there's  
too much to do thats its distracting as well! Its for pro use and not  
great for @contexts.

So, 2010 and I need to get things done! I use the Palm Centro but I  
need something at home to have that check-off feel and handle  
projects, tasks, and appointments, etc. I now have a mint MP2K again  
with keyboard AND an eMate also in great condition! This time around,  
I'm taken aback at how cool the eMate is! I received both units at the  
same time from different sellers! WOW! This eMate is perfect for what  
I need. I'm keeping the MP2K. I also have a like new StyleWriter 2200  
for printing out letters, notes and checklists, etc. Its all going to  
be part of what I call a "Newton GTD System!" I'll take pics!

Anyway, that's my story, so on to just a few things I need. I don't  
plan on browsing the web with my Newts or playing MP3's etc. Just  
organizing. I may, may want to use it for eMail so that's an option  
I'm leaving open, I already downloaded Eudora!

But what I need is to fix the 2010 issue. My initial search had me  
download and test Avi Drissman's Fix2010 which worked pretty good on  

So the big question is - what's better Avi's Fix 2010 or 40Hz's Patch  

Second question is - Anyone have the Stand Alone package where it can  
generate a code based on your user name and machine serial number? I  
had this little package that could do that way back. I don't remember  
if that was given out freeware by Stand Alone once Newton software  
became obsolete or abandonware back then. I just remember you  
installed this little package and Dateman, which I loved using would  
work beyond the 30 days. I would love this package for my Newtons.

Thanks for your help Newtonizers! Sorry for the long winded-first  
post, promise I'll be more brief in the Future!


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