[NTLK] Learning Newton Programming/NTK

PMichael Rodgers pmiker at copper.net
Mon Apr 26 21:27:41 EDT 2010

Thank you.  I did find the book on Amazon but cannot afford it right 
now.  I am d/l'ing the movies but it will take some time.  Out here in 
the sticks we have dialup.  Thanks for the tips.

Morgan Aldridge wrote:
> On Sunday, April 25, 2010, Matt Howe <matthowe at comcast.net> wrote:
>> There is a version of the book you are using called "Programming for the
>> Newton Using Windows", that is what I used.
> While only the Mac version of the book is up on UNNA with the full
> text, the project source code and example movies for the Windows
> version are there:
> <http://www.unna.org/view.php?/development/documentation/ProgNewtUsingWin>
> The example movies might show some of what you're looking for.
> Morgan

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