[NTLK] Purchasing a newton

Blake Hanes kissmyash933 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 20 18:14:12 EDT 2010

Thank you for all of the helpful suggestions guys!
I've been doing some research on some of the applications that have been
mentioned above and will test them out as soon as my messagepad arrives!

> Don't forget that if you have sufficiently descriptive text in Notes
> (e.g. - "Descriptive theme for English Composition"), you can
> highlight it and create a ToDo in Dates using Assist.  So, for
> example, you could put a syllabus into Notes for the overview of a
> class, then use Assist to create ToDos for things that are due on
> certain dates for a lot less effort than entering them by hand
> (again).  If your brain works that way, you could even link a ToDo
> back into a folder for the assignment using HyperNewt, which will
> then show the date due, and allow you to access the ToDo item within
> the folder used to collect your notes, data, etc.  Maybe clumsy, but
> maybe useful, too.
> I did not know that! So, do I just highlight the item that I'd like to be a
ToDo and then push assist?


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