[NTLK] Thinking of giving it all up

pmiker at copper.net pmiker at copper.net
Wed Dec 1 13:12:12 EST 2010

My wife is against the idea because she knows how much I've enjoyed it over the years.  But I no longer work in the IT field since the internet bubble burst a few years back.  Now I have no office, do mostly physical labor, and deal with a single vendor at work.  Not much need for an organizer these days and as for other software, my spreadsheets are too complex for Quickfigure, ebooks are easier on a Kindle, wifi is darn near impossible and wouldn't be much good given the screen limitations (too dark).

My wife does make an interesting point.  Unlike other hobbies, just about all monetary expenditures have already taken place.  Other hobbies just keep on costing. But back to my original problem, why should I keep it if I can't find a need for it?

PS. I've followed this list off and on for at least 10 years.

--- morgant at makkintosshu.com wrote:

Always sad to see another Newton user go (or considering it), but
obviously we all wish you the best and you're always welcome here.



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