[NTLK] Connection Stopped- No Response

Forrest Buffenmyer anasazi4st at me.com
Wed Feb 3 03:55:27 EST 2010

 HI Amy:

I'm not clear on all of what you mean by "changed the network settings"--did you change the iMac's settings to 9600? It's easy...go into your Applications folder, find Utilities, double-click on "Terminal" (like DOS), and enter these commands EXACTLY as you see them:

defaults write com.newton.connection BaudRate -int 9600

then hit RETURN (Enter).

See how that works. BTW, you might investigate 115,200 kbps as a transfer speed option, once you're able to connect to the iMac. I don't have an eMate, but perhaps the "115200 package" found on UNNA would work for it as well as an MP2100 (I do have have a couple of those). It will GREATLY enhance your transfer speed...once the package is installed you'd enter the same as above on your iMac, substituting 115,200 for 9600...(obviously).

Hope that helps,


On Tuesday, February 02, 2010, at 07:31PM, "Amy Rose-Perkins" <mightyamy at gmail.com> wrote:

>I've installed the Keyspan drivers and changed the network settings  
>for the Keypsan to Null Modem, 9600 bps.
>I've tried using NewTen, NCX, NewSync and Escales- nothing seems to  
>Is it possible that the cable is bad? Or that my emate's serial port  
>is dead?
>If any one has any advice, I would really appreciate it!

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