[NTLK] Two part question

Jeremy O'Brien obrien654j at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 17:51:36 EST 2010

That was actually very enlightening. Thank you very much :)

On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 at 09:12:20PM +0000, Lord Groundhog wrote:
> ~~~ On 2010/02/03 07:11, Jeremy O'Brien at obrien654j at gmail.com wrote ~~~
> > 1. I hear about a lot of people using their MP2x00's for note-taking of
> > various sorts. Is it safe to assume that all of you use the external
> > newton keyboard? HWR is nice, but it isn't exactly the fastest input
> > method around...
> > 
> I use HWR exclusively, and I use my Newton a *lot*.  I take notes in
> conferences, with clients, while reading, as well as when planning to write
> articles and reports -- which I also do on my Newt.  When speed is the real
> priority I write in "Ink Text" mode and convert it to type face afterwards.
> If you're worried about recognition errors, pause briefly every dozen or so
> words; that way when you do the conversion you'll only be changing the text
> a dozen words at a time and you'll be able to see any errors one at a time.
> Mostly though, during lectures and other time-sensitive situations I do with
> my Newt what I'd do with a paper notebook:  take notes in "Outline", and use
> each point or subpoint to write down keywords plus any brief quotations.
> That also lets me take full advantage of the traditional note-taking
> methodology.  The act of reviewing and filling in the thoughts around the
> keywords soon after taking notes is part of why note-taking is a valuable
> learning tool:  you're rehearsing the original data and recalling it in more
> detail in a way that strenghtens the neural memory-traces.
> If I need more exhaustive detail than that I use a digital recorder.
> Just some thoughts, in case they're useful.
> Shalom. 
> Christian 
> ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
> ³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
>             -- what Arthur C. Clarke meant
> http://youtube.com/watch?v=1ZzpdPJ7Zr4
> (With thanks to Chod Lang)
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> http://www.diyplanner.com/node/3942
> ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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