[NTLK] Date and time problems with H1000

Andy Rawlins andy.rawlins at ntlworld.com
Thu Feb 4 16:19:25 EST 2010

Thanks Tony and Woody


I'm trying to connect my Newtons (H1000 and eMate) to any of my Macs.  I
bought a an Apple serial printer cable which I thought would fit in my
PowerMac G3 but that port turned out to be an ADP port.  All my other Macs
only have USB/Firewire so I guess I need an expensive adaptor like:
http://www.welovemacs.com/serpordev.html  .  My PC doesn't have a serial
port.  How is everyone else doing this?  I need to 2010 bug fix my emate so
need a connection.


The eMate has a Newton Connector port but no one seems to have cables for
sale for those 





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