[NTLK] NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 10

Woody Smith woodysmith at comcast.net
Tue Feb 9 18:54:51 EST 2010

What older Mac?  I think it has to be able to run at least OS 9.  Or  
start up with the original OS if prior to 9.


On Feb 9, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Andy Rawlins wrote:

> Thanks Francis, that worked brilliantly and my Emate is now 2010  
> patched and ready to go (thanks Eckhart!)
> Does anyone know of a utility for my H1000 that I can use with my  
> Keyspan in OSX as I'm struggling to get Classic to work on my older  
> macs.
> Cheers
> Andy

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