[NTLK] NCX serial connection - was: 2010 issues

Simon Bell simonbell at me.com
Thu Jul 1 15:19:48 EDT 2010

Just thought I ought to step in here and correct a few  

If you are using NCX to connect to your Newton via a serial  
connection, you need to specify the same serial speed at both ends.

On the Mac
NCX has no UI for setting the serial speed. This is a deliberate  
omission, in an attempt to stop users inadvertently changing the speed  
and causing the kind of confusion we have here!

The serial speed is actually an NCX preference, but with no UI to  
change it you need to use the Terminal app. The command is:

defaults write com.newton.connection BaudRate -int 115200

This tells the 'defaults' system to 'write' a preference for the  
'com.newton.connection' app, specifically the 'BaudRate' item which is  
an '-int' (integer) with the value '115200'.

Obviously you could specify any number for the value. The Newton‘s  
default serial speed is 38400, should you need to reset that. To reset  
all NCX’s preferences to defaults, delete the ~/Library/Preferences/ 
com.newton.connection.plist file.

On the Newton
In the Connection app, you need to 'Connect via' serial at the same  
speed used by NCX. If you want to use anything other than the default  
speed, you’ll need to install a package to extend the capability of  
the Connection app. This could be Ser115200.pkg, or Extra Serial.pkg,  
for example. If your Newton doesn’t already have such a package,  
you’ll need to install it using the default serial speed.

The key things to remember are:
o  You must explicitly tell both Mac and Newton (NCX and Connection  
apps) to use the same serial speed.
o  The default serial speed (built in to the Newton’s Connection app)  
is 38400.

I hope this information gets you connected successfully!


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