[NTLK] What's the best dates substitute?

Matt Howe matthowe at comcast.net
Fri May 28 08:34:45 EDT 2010

I tried several and ended with Time Trax as the best trade off between cost,
functionality and size.

Matt (Ducky) Howe
Owner of a MP2000U and an Emate
SantaMatt at Gmail.com (Nokia N770)
matthowe at comcast.net (Desktop)

Bryan N Iotti wrote:
	I've been using the 2100 regularly now for a month, and it still irks me a
bit that the built in Dates app doesn't allow me to choose a week view as
the default one... Also, compared to the host of features on NewtToDo, it
seems a little scarce...

What other software could I use to plan out my day more efficiently and
remember appointments, etc?

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