[NTLK] Looking for people willing to donate one cent to pda-soft.de

anasazi4st newtonphoenix at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 17 12:44:55 EST 2010

-----Original Message-----
>From: Frank Gruendel <newtontalk at pda-soft.de>
>It's not my intention to trigger a flood of donations with this mail. So if your donation works out
>the way I hope it will, please notify the list which language was successfully tested.
>Thank you very much in advance for your help!


To echo Christian's sentiments--it's a pleasure to do what I can to keep one of the best sources of Newton information online. Please consider my donation an early gift under "Ihr Tannenbaum" (your Christmas tree--at least, that's what Babel Fish tells me it is), and please don't refund it.

The English link worked flawlessly (even though I unintentionally tried to crash it by accidentally entering incorrect payment information), and at the end it correctly redirected me to the "Thank You" page.

Again--kudos for all you do...for all of us.


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