[NTLK] Newton Saved Apple
Bob Carls Dudney
kosmicdollop at saber.net
Sat Oct 23 12:38:01 EDT 2010
Thanks mucho for this link! Sculley's interview
provides crucial perspectives and understandings
of Apple and Jobs.
Makes transparent for me why so many/most
nuts-and-bolts geeks flee/despise Apple's STYLE.
(Tinkerers are also frustrated by Apple's
hard-to-penetrate/modify products, especially
compared to mass-market/cheap DOS/Windy boxes --
these contrasts were much greater in earlier
decades when Apple fell to few % of PCs.)
Sculley's portrait suggests Jobs was always after
the non-geek crowd, that is, most humans.
Especially loved learning Sculley's estimate
Apple lost about 100 $M on Newton. (A number of
estimates are much higher, but I know of none
more credible.)
While revenge may well have been one of Jobs'
murder motives, Skulley makes clear an iPad is
much more Mr. Design's sort of product than
über-utilitarian/efficient/minimalist Newt --
exceedingly elegant though it is in its
inimitable, perfect ways. iPad clearly more for
consumer market than productivity workhorse Newt,
much more suited to Jobs' massive ambitions.
A is for Apple and alpha pack leader.
S is for Siddhartha (meaning: he who achieves his
aim) and for Buddha admirer Steve: the former
abandoned a royal legacy for mindfulness and
inner peace, the latter proved how wrong his
parents were to abandon their colossally valuable
first-born, whose inner anger and royal-like
tyranny must never be compared with Big Brother
Bill, the monster symbolically vanquished by a
sledge-hammer-flinging Olympian goddess MacIntosh
in 1984.
On 15/10/10, L.W. Brown wrote:
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