[NTLK] pretty interesting

Jim Lee jimlee at centurytel.net
Fri Sep 3 14:39:44 EDT 2010

On Sep 3, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Michael Grossman wrote:

> I buy Apple products because I want a computer and walkman that just  
> works
> for media consumption.

I agree with the "just works" part.

> I also dual boot linux on my macbook because it is
> fun to tweak, configurate, customise, and do things MY WAY.

Umm, why run Linux on a Mac?  It's already running BSD under the hood  
and is just as fun and easy to tweak and customize (imho) as Linux.   
That said, I find it incredibly worthwhile to rescue old Wintel boxes  
by giving them a new Linux heart.  And I have had fun playing with  
Linux on OLD (pre-OSX) Macs - but it somehow feels 'wrong' to be  
running anything but MacOS on a Mac. :-)

> A funny thing about Apple hardware: I can't throw it out or even  
> sell it
> on eBay. My first white-box 486 is probably scrap metal in  
> Bangladesh or
> Mexico by now.(Probably as e-waste, not recycled.) But the death- 
> clicking
> duo dock, which was old 10 years ago, still sits in the closet  
> awaiting
> repair. I regretted selling my Pismo so much that after a few years I
> bought a new old one!

I share your sentiments!  Back in 2000, I had to sell my (then almost  
new) Wallstreet in order to make the mortgage.  Now I have a stack of  
them, along with Lombards and Pismos.  I just sold a 1400c over on the  
LEM list, but only because I have plenty of them to backup my daily  
driver (which has the best keyboard of any device ever made, btw).   
While I have every model of Newton, I don't see myself ever using most  
of them, yet it's incredibly difficult to part with even an OMP!  So  
this three bedroom house has two bedrooms filled with Apple gear - it  
comes in, but it (almost) never goes out!  The 16x20 shed outside is  
filled with generic PC junk.  Stuff from there gets recycled, thrown  
out, or given away on a regular basis.


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