[NTLK] [ADMIN] List Spam [Was:] My cmopany is hiring

Dennis B. Swaney romad at aol.com
Fri Sep 17 22:25:03 EDT 2010

On 17/09/10 18:52PDT, Grant Hutchinson wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2010, at 7:35 AM, zerolatitude at hotmail.com wrote:
>> sj  what are u up to?
> Oh jeeze ... not another spam via a current member account.
> I'm not sure whether to unsubscribe these addresses immediately or
> not. It could be a hacked account or simply a spoofed address. Larry
> Robinson, the owner of the zerolatitude address, has only posted to
> the list once ... and that was back in May. It's very likely that is
> Hotmail account has been compromised
> What are people's thoughts on this?

I'd drop him a line that says his email address might have been hijacked 
to send spam to the list and I'd copy & paste the spam message.

That way, if he is the victim of a hijack, he'd be warned; if he HAD 
sent the message, it would also be a gentle warning.

Dennis B. Swaney

Newton MP 2100
iPhone 3GS

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