[NTLK] Mail V Question

R A Parker RAParker at Newted.ORG
Thu Apr 7 01:31:45 EDT 2011

Set this option using the Card App. Open your Extras and find the 'Card' app. Or, re-insert your card. You will see a check box, "Store new info and packages on this card." Check this to specify a card as the "Default Store."

I noticed you mentioned ATA.  In this case, the "Default Store" options are a little harder to find. You can still get to it from the Card app, however, you must first, check mark and mount the Partition. Next, check mark the Partition again and choose "Set default store" from the action menu.

While we're on the subject, you might not find ATA as a viable solution for storing mail. ATA is quite a bit slower and may cause your mail app to time out, especially on messages over 20KB.

Next - You should also check Application specific defaults. In the InOut Box app, there is an option in the prefs, "Always save new items internally." Make sure this is un-checked.

Sent using an iNewt Touch 4.0
  |\/|\  @ Newted.ORG
  |/-|/  @ Quadzilla.NET
  |\ |   @ TahoeSunsets.COM
My name is R A Parker. I own a Newton and a Mac.

On Apr 5, 2011, at 11:19 PM, Rod Lavington wrote:

> Hi All!
> For the life of me I can't find where I can get mail that is downloaded to
> go to my card instantly instead of the internal store for Mail V.  I have
> missed something silly, or is it not possible to have downloaded mail go to
> the card?

> I have an 80meg ATA card to use, and it doesn't take long for a
> few downloaded emails to through up an out of space error!

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