[NTLK] Walstreet II PRAM

Scott Hoffman hoffo at gmx.com
Tue Aug 16 00:46:00 EDT 2011

Hi Lloyd!
      I bit the bullet and ordered a new main battery as well as a new PRAM battery.  I needed a new main battery anyway, so I figured I might as well.  I changed the PRAM battery once before a long time ago and remember that it wasn't a fun job, but not impossible.  
        I had all but forgotten about iFixit - that's a really neat website with lots of cool stuff.
        I'll definitely keep you posted!
        Have you done any cool mods to your WallStreet?  I was debating on putting in a bigger HDD and partitioning it to run an old version of OSX... 

        Take care!
Sent from my Apple MessagePad.

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