[NTLK] Looking for a Bluetooth card

Nic Malone nicmalone at mac.com
Sat Aug 27 14:01:09 EDT 2011

Hi Forrest

I use MAC address filtering just to make my network a bit more hassle for casual WARchalkers to stowaway on. I have 64bit WEP encryption because my kids' Nintendo DSs cannot do WPA (or manage DCHP, even though they are 1 year old!). I could not get my MP2000 or eMate to work on WEP either.  So I have a bookmarklet in my Safari web browser that goes to the router's settings page, I login then turn off encryption altogether, send my Newton Notes by email over the now open network, then turn encryption back on. Takes about 3 minutes to send 3 or 4 emails. I prefix the subject line of each email according to its context (e.g. "Journal: Cornwall holiday" or "Shopping: Tesco") and have a rule set up in Mac Mail to filter these prefixed emails into their own folders. In the case my journal, I then copy and paste the text into MacJournal on the Mac Mini.


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