[NTLK] Einstein, Android, new Hardware, old Hardware

Joseph Reilly Reilly001os at aol.com
Thu Dec 1 10:56:17 EST 2011

On Dec 1, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Marisa Giancarla wrote:

> There is another way - I am distributing Einstein for iOS using ad-hoc profiles, and I'm willing to use 30 of my allotted device counts for list members. All you have to do is get a list of other developers who would be willing to donate some of their allotted devices to more users. This gets around the AppStore issue completely, but each developer only gets 100 devices for testing so the load had to be distributed...

Thank you Marisa for offering that up for everyone. It is a patch for the issue but not a fix. You and any other devs doing this will have to pay each year indefinitely to keep this going. 
While you (and others) may keep this going it's just silly that you have to pay to do so, but again Thank you for offering this up. I personally am holding out hope for a "NEWTdroid" lol.

Joe Reilly

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