[NTLK] IPv4 v IPv6
Andrei Chichak
andrei at chichak.ca
Wed Feb 2 19:49:21 EST 2011
I doubt it.
Devices that will be connected directly to the internet will have to talk IPv6, but that would be the routers.
The routers will probably need to talk IPv6 to the net, but your internal network can continue to use 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x and the router will take care of the translation.
You can be pretty sure that there will either be a flurry of updates to the operating systems to give an IPv6 compliant TCP/IP stack to your computer or router, or you will have to run out and buy a spiffy new router that doesn't do anything better than the last one.
The thing that pisses me off is the talk of usage based billing and reducing bandwidth limits to stupid levels and charging for any overages.
On 2011-February-02, at 12:56 PM, Tony Kan wrote:
> Here's a question for our more Internet Savvy members:
> There's much talk about the last of the ip addresses being divvyed out over the
> last week and that new addresses are only compatible with IPv6.
> Does this transition have any affect on the usability of the Newton as an
> Internet device?
> Tony
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Andrei Chichak
4024-120 STREET
T6J 1X8
Phone: 780-434-6266
Skype: andrei.chichak
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