[NTLK] iOS Einstein submitted to the Apple App Store - rejected
Peter Fraser
pjfraser at mac.com
Fri Feb 11 22:35:11 EST 2011
Who knows, but it was really easy to install, using a Mac.
Sent from my iPhone
-- Peter
pjfraser at mac.com
On Feb 11, 2011, at 7:26 PM, William Ross <paxswill at gmail.com> wrote:
> there are two ways that could've happened. Either your bank has the Enterprise dev program which does away with Apple's distribution, or he was using the beta testing feature available to normal devs, but that is limited to 250 or 100, I can't remember which.
> -Will
> On Feb 11, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Peter Fraser <pjfraser at mac.com> wrote:
>> A developer at the bank where I work gave some of us a beta of what became the bank's online banking iPhone app, for testing purposes. He showed us how to install on our phones without jailbreaking and without going thru the AppStore.
>> So if the einstien app could be made available to us directly, we could install it individually.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- Peter
>> pjfraser at mac.com
>> On Feb 11, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Clu <drclu at swbell.net> wrote:
>>>> On 11/02/11 13:09PST, Matthias Melcher wrote:
>>>>> Unsurprisingly, iOSEinstein got rejected today for three reasons:
>>>>> 1: I am using an undocumented function. This could easily be removed
>>>>> 2: we require that the user loads a ROM which for Apple
>>>>> constitutes "loading executable code". That is in fact so, but is
>>>>> that really the intention of that rule? I always understood the
>>>>> rule as a way to avoid circumventing the store by uploading an
>>>>> interpreter and then sneaking in user code later. Even though
>>>>> iOSEinstein could do that, I have a hard time imagining that
>>>>> someone would write a custom Newton ROM just to sneak code by... .
>>>>> One solution would be to integrate the ROM, but "the" ROM
>>>>> obviously has a copyright, and writing our own compatible ROM
>>>>> without ever peeking at the Newton original is not feasible (and
>>>>> if it was, I would write a new OS instead of a Newton ROM, making
>>>>> the emulator obsolete, running at 100% speed)
>>>>> 3: is the one that ruins it for good though. There is a rule that
>>>>> no submitted app may be similar to an existing Apple product.
>>>>> Well, I can see that they would not like to see a clone of iTunes
>>>>> in their store, but a 12 year plus abandoned product?
>>>>> Well, they make the rules. No reason to fret.
>>> Is it possible to jail break an iPad and load this anyway?
>>> Doc Clu
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