[NTLK] [OT] This is outrageous!

Robert M. Serna japecan at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 15:30:57 EDT 2011

Sorry about my earlier post!  I'm using an iPhone 1st gen and forgot that replying to email from the digest can take alot of time (need to get that 2100  with wifi out again)
  John Glass sent:
(and as an aside, I actually have this as a backdrop on both my Newton
and my old Treo phone, and need to find some way to get it onto my
iPhone.) ;-)

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I haven't surrendered to the "iPhone
Glamour" yet and I'm a bit surprised/confused here.   Does this mean you
can't just Bluetooth the gif file off your Newton or Treo or computer
straight onto your iPhone, and then select it for your backdrop?  Even my
Sony-Ericsson "dumb-phone" from 2004 let me do that, although it's possible
I only used jpg files.   My current SE phones let me use other format. 


I'm not real sure about Bluetooth but what I did was go to that particular URL, took a snap shot with iPhone, used a free app to rotate and got it as my wallpaper now. 30sec or less!


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