[NTLK] If you are interested in security of your computer this is exactly you need!

Grant Hutchinson splorp at mac.com
Wed Jun 29 12:19:47 EDT 2011

On Jun 28, 2011, at 9:33 AM, Dan typed vigorously:

> Heh can we say HACKED account? ;)  Or was just plain old standard  
> spam?
> Hmm  Ah well who spams on list stays in the junk folder. ;)

Mr Caine hasn't posted anything to the list since January, so it's  
probably not an active account. I've placed his address on a forced  
moderation list, just in case he notices that his Yahoo account has  
been breeched.

Unfortunately, I can't remove the original spam message from the  



Grant Hutchinson
NewtonTalk List Dad & Web Custodian


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