[NTLK] Newbie with memory card questions
dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Fri Mar 25 22:03:37 EDT 2011
Hi Tony and forgive me for butting in here, but if I remember correctly
attribute memory is required in Linear cards and I *think* ATA cards as
well. To access without it you need better software or a custom driver.
I do know for certain that someone on the list a while back had a card
that the newton couldn't recognize and PCBMan offered to take it a look
at it with his equipment. He confirmed the CIS/attribute memory was
dead and hence the card was toast (at least for a newton). PCBMan did
manage to pull the data off of the card and send it to the original card
owner. I don't recall the card type but I *think* it was linear. I may
be mistaken as I have not checked the archives but I do remember the
occasion quite clearly otherwise.
In short get a card with attribute memory/CIS or won't likely work in a
On 3/25/2011 4:55 PM, Tony Kan wrote:
> Hi Rusty
> Thx for the shout out.
> The optional 2K byte 'attribute memory' space retains Card Information Structure
> (CIS). The Card Information Structure (CIS) is information stored on a PCMCIA
> card that contains information about the formatting and organization of the data
> on the card. The CIS also contains information about:
> * The type of card
> * Supported power supply options
> * Supported power saving features
> * The manufacturer
> * Model number
> and so on.
> Types of devices that require attribute are usually lab equipment, embedded
> systems, PDAs and the like. For the most part, notebook computers support Card
> Services, and hence don't require attribute.
> When a card is unrecognized it is frequently because the CIS information is
> either lost or damaged.
> The Newton can read the CIS to determine what the card is. As I understand it,
> the Newton can also get such informaton from Card Services which is software
> support for PCMCIA cards. PCMCIA card applications usually talk to Card
> Services. As I understand it, CIS is not necessary and cards with or without
> attribute memory should be compatible.
> If in doubt, I would get one with Attribute memory.
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