[NTLK] Mail V and MobileMe

Paul Grothaus pgrothaus at mac.com
Wed May 18 10:06:52 EDT 2011

I installed Mail V on my MP2100 and tried to set it up with my MobileMe account. It would connect, start browsing the messages and then Mail would quit. After playing around with it without any success, I wiped my MP and started fresh. Installed all the components of NIE and the packages needed for WiFi access. Connects to my network without a problem. I can install packages, surf the web, etc. 

I had an unused email account available in my MoblieMe family account which I set up Mail V to use.  It works flawlessly with Mail V on the MP. Tried out Mail V's rule filters to ignore messages older than 3 days or bigger than 10k by forwarding messages from my usual .me account to this empty .me account. It all works.

Then I reconfigured Mail V to connect to my normal .me account. Like before, it connects and browses through my messages but nothing is downloaded and eventually Mail V just quits. There are over 6000 messages in the account and I think it tries to get them all and runs out of heap. I tried letting it process a couple dozen messages and tapping "stop" but after stopping there is nothing in my inbox.

I've set Mail V's rule filters the same as with the empty account - to ignore anything over 3 days old or 10K in size - but that doesn't make a difference. Is my only option to pare down my account by eliminating old messages? I really hate to spend the time it would take.

Sent from my iPad

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