[NTLK] Einstein on Windows 7 x64
Connor Becker
Northcott91 at gmx.com
Fri May 20 09:43:13 EDT 2011
Like Aaron, I get the lightbulb, but then it just goes black and Windows
informs me that Einstein has stopped working. In the details the event
type is APPCRASH, so I'm assuming it is an honest to goodness crash rather
than just a hangup. I'm using an Intel Pentium Dual Core CPU with 4GB RAM
and (obviously:) Windows 7 x64.
On Thu, 19 May 2011 02:14:27 -0400, Matthias Melcher <mm at matthiasm.com>
> On 19.05.2011, at 03:10, Connor Becker wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to getting Einstein to work on Windows 7 64 bit? I
>> used the ROMs out of the Lantern DDK, and installed the 2007.7 version
>> from the Google Code page. But it just goes black and crashes after the
>> lightbulb logo.
> Wow, if you made it to the lightbulb, you should have everything
> installed correctly. Does it crash or lock up? If it locks up, the try
> again two or three times. When installing a new ROM, it tends to lock up
> sometimes. When you make it to the desktop once, it wont' lock up
> anymore.
> I don't have WIndows 7, so I can't really debug the issue... .
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