[NTLK] Delurking and intro
Bob Carls Dudney
kosmicdollop at saber.net
Sun Nov 20 06:30:22 EST 2011
How about the original model T. It was all about being useful and efficient, had a power take-off so it could perform numerous functions like a tractor on farms and estates. It wasn't loaded with bloatware destroying gas mileage.
It was a tool for the common person, not an over-stuffed Duesenberg nor Rolls for the bloated wealthy.
On 20/11/11, Lord Groundhog wrote: |
>~~~ On 2011/11/19 23:26, Andrei Chichak at newton at chichak.ca wrote ~~~
>> It's like cars, PCs are from Dodge, Macs are from BMW, and HP calculators are
>> from SAAB.
>Interesting. So what cars are *n*x-boxes from? And Amigas? And our
>beloved Newts? :-D
>FWIW I connect Newtons with my old, stubbornly reliable 1967(?) VW 1600
>Variant squareback -- in all the glory of its perfectly designed,
>impressively compact, 240,000+ miles of stubbornly reliable service.
>(This one isn't mine -- that died long ago -- but it looked like this:
> except in dark blue.)
>But someone here might know a more appropriate car.
>~~~ ~~~ ~~~
>"Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton."
> -- ref.: Arthur C. Clarke
>(With thanks to Chod Lang)
>~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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