[NTLK] iPad1 and iPad2

Clu drclu at swbell.net
Fri Oct 7 13:59:44 EDT 2011

So my wife tells me:
"Well- now that a legend is gone, we should think about picking up a 
piece of history.  I say an iphone or pad."

Gotta hand it to her, a cute way to ask.  And we are doing ok.   
Besides, all these times of telling her "You want an Apple tablet?   I 
gave you a Newton already..." is getting old as a gag.  :P

So what advice do you all have to give on the iPads?   Is the iPad2 
worth it enough to get it over a iPad1?   What is so great about the 2nd 
pad over the first one?

Any particular model to avoid?
Any model the better of the pads in terms of how it's built, being 
stable, and dependability?

Thanks all,

Greg / Doc Clu

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