[NTLK] Siri and handwritten input

Joel M. Sciamma joel at inventors-emporium.co.uk
Fri Oct 14 12:35:09 EDT 2011

> But in fact I wasn't thinking of that.  I was thinking of making notes like:
> "[date] appointment with Client [Name], DSM-IV coding ___:
> [Name] began by ..." and so on.  Or maybe even
> "[date] I observed [Name] for almost 3 hours during his meeting with [Name]
> before following him to ..." and so on.

That was my first thought. Use the keyboard to enter the phrase that you would have spoken, select it then have an "interpret" or "assistant" option available to pass it to Siri.

All it does is eliminate the speech recognition phase of the operation and give it a clean input to work with, unless your spelling is really bad...

As for handwritten notes, Penultimate is very good, especially that now you can draw a lasso and drag the contents around, copy and paste. I have a Griffin stylus for this kind of thing and it works well.

I also have WritePad and the HWR is pretty good but transfering the text to another app. is just a pest, so Penultimate is easier for the small amounts of text you need to enter when standing and you can sketch at the same time, which I like.



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