[NTLK] Newton Museum.dmg direct download

Laurent Bourrelly thickparasite at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 03:05:48 EDT 2012

> Y'know, I was thinking....
> If the disk image was turned into say.... CD sized images or 1GB images,
> I'd be glad to put one or two of these smaller images in my public dropbox
> and maybe someone else could put one in theirs, etc. (Of course, common
> sense says each one who's "sharing" an image should have all the others
> available to them locally in case it's needed.)
> Just a thought..
> --
>     << MCT >>   Michael C Tiernan.
>     Is God a performance artist?
>     http://www.linkedin.com/in/mtiernan

Hi all,

Here is the direct download link from my Dropbox. This is the whole thing.

Laurent Bourrelly

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