[NTLK] Re. Handwriting recognition on the iPad

G Y gyounk at mac512.com
Mon Jan 23 13:27:18 EST 2012

if you are referencing Tapose it's metaphor is really based o. The defunct MS Courier project. I do see some similarities to Newton. 

I will be checking out the Notes Plus app as it seems to give a more Newtonish approach of HWR (instant and delayed) and drawing smoothing.  Those were things I used a lot with my Newtons. 


Sent from my iPhone 4s with Siri

From: Laurence W Brown : Re: [NTLK] 

Keeping my fingers crossed that Tapos? makes it thru approval (in process now) to the app store - that should be as close to Newtish as we're likely to see in quite a while...

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