[NTLK] Connection Gremlins

Max Smith maxmaxmaxmaxsmith at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 18:44:56 EDT 2012

So, in preparation of making a 2010 fix/bootstrap card today, I dug out my iMac G3 from my closet. After partitioning the 13 GB Quantam Fireball (which is painfully loud, so much so that it defeats the purpose of convection cooling) into a 1.75 GB partition for Mac OS 9 and a 10.25 GB partition for Mac OS X, I installed the operating systems.

In OS 9.2.1 I installed the Newton Connection Utilities, and for a time, it was connecting successfully to my MessagePad 2000, I transferred a few packages and used the iMac’s keyboard.

Then I disconnected the MessagePad and went to eat some Hostess Orange Cupcakes, which were delicious and my version of poutine. I returned and tried to connect again, but I received this message: “The selected Mac OS computer cannot be found on the network.” I checked in the Chooser (the Newton OS version) and the iMac wasn’t on the list. I checked to see if AppleTalk had mysteriously been turned off on the Mac, but it was active, just as I had left it.

I restarted the Mac, but still no luck, so I thought it had to be problem with the Newton. I checked all preferences, and all seemed well, so for good measure, I did a soft reset. No dice. Then a deep reset, and still nothing, so I left it in the Chooser. Ten minutes or so later, I looked over, and saw the iMac in the Chooser, and I was able to connect. Upon connecting, there was an error, which I unfortunately did not record.

I reinstalled NCU, but that hasn’t solved anything. I’ve also restarted the MessagePad with all extensions off, and only installed the necessary packages for ethernet docking, in the order they’re described here: http://www.pda-soft.de/body_ethernetconnectivity.html and still nothing.

If anybody has any insight it’d be greatly appreciated.


Max Smith

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