[NTLK] sync

Pnemonic pnemonic at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 10:45:50 EDT 2012

As some are already aware, I am trying to sync with the Newton using 
"newtdock" commands.

A new problem of mine, is that when I click the "Backup" button on the 
Newton it sends me kDRequestToSync as expected,
but then when I ask it kDGetSyncOptions, then it sends me blank sync 
options even though everything is selected.

frame={packages=nil, syncall=true, stores=[{soups=*[]*, 
UsedSize=2338808, defaultStore=true, storepassword=nil, name="Internal", 
TotalSize=3608096, signatures=[], storeversion=4, readOnly=nil, 
kind="Internal", signature=29250252, info={defaultStore=true, 

Please advise.

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