[NTLK] (no subject) -hmmm who ate the subject?

Lord Groundhog LordGroundhog at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 19:21:06 EDT 2012

~~~ On 2012/06/18 18:50, Ed Kummel at tech_ed at yahoo.com wrote ~~~

> It really is embarrassing...I don't know how they did it...All my passwords
> are 16 random character passwords. So someone had to work really hard to get
> into my account. 
> Either that, or my recently acquired Android phone (about 3 days ago) acquired
> some malware that captured my Yahoo login. Yahoo says that someone logged into
> my account from Croatia using the web site...Um...I've never been to Croatia,
> and isn't Croatia a known hacking haven?
> Anyways, I have changed my password to 24 random characters and changed my
> questions to outright lies so nobody can guess them!
> We'll see...I have not logged into my Yahoo account from my Android phone yet,
> and all is still OK. I'm a little gun shy though right now.
> Ed
> web/gadget guru


You have my total sympathy.  This happened to me about 4 years ago on
another list, and my account was used to spam everyone else.  Because it's a
non-techie list, the admin didn't understand what I was saying and wouldn't
even consider the possibility that I wasn't to blame.  Straight out ban,
although he did invite me to come back if I could get the Yahoo tech support
to look into it.  

So I spent over a year trying to get Yahoo techs to investigate, perhaps to
establish how I was compromised, and maybe explain to the list-dad some
realities of how accounts can be spoofed or hacked.  Instead, all they did
was send me the same boilerplate text e-mails over and over, about how I
should fill in the details of whatever my problem is.  That resulted in me
getting stuck in a loop of telling them what happened and getting back more
automated responses.  They never did do anything about my problem, and I'm
permanently banned from that list with no appeal.

I gave up on them and don't use my Yahoo addresses for anything I care about

And yes, I've always used ridiculously secure passwords (a different one for
each account) so I don't know how I was "done" either.



~~~ ~~~ ~~~

³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
            -- ref.:  Arthur C. Clarke

(With thanks to Chod Lang)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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